Saturday, October 18, 2014

Jony Ive Talks About Values and Care in Design

A great interview, followed by an even better Q&A session with Jony Ive - a couple of highlights:
  • I was struck by his explanation of Apple's design process, and how the process changes gear when the design of a product get three-dimensional: "as soon as there's an object ... it really galvanizes and provides a focus to an entire team, and very often when they're struggling with these abstract, tentative ideas";
  • I enjoyed his description of a Braun food "mixer" (processor?) as "extraordinarily, achingly beautiful";
  • I got a little rush, as did the audience, when he described copy-catting as theft, and copy-cats like Xiaomi as "lazy";
  • I appreciated that Jony expressed his disdain for Augustus Pugin in the context of making products with care, and that that care is tangible.