Saturday, December 10, 2005

Peace Banner Unveiled

The big snow storm did little to dampen the enthusatic presentation of the Peace Banner on the Walpole Commons this morning. A big, energetic group of people, some very young and some a little less young, gathered to voice their opposition to the on-going military action in Iraq.

It was actually lucky that the sun was at our backs; it kept us very warm. The white-on-white effect may have to be considered if we are to present the banner again -- hopefully we won't get 10-inches of snow each time!

It was an awesome morning; great to meet so many like-minded people and feel some supportive spirit from the people in town, too. I heard that one fellow stopped to say that we should not use the names of volunteer soldiers and later had a policeman check to see if we were blocking traffic. An interesting point, but of course, an all-volunteer military would not necessarily include reservists who never expected to be on hostile foreign soil. A few passersby did stop to chat; one small, older woman in particular crossed the street and let us know she shared our sentiments. She had a low, quiet voice, but her energy was strong. That was really moving and it made my day! I hope someone offered her some hot chocolate.

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